RASSP-Sanders Project - Synthesizable Dataflow - Arithmetic logic unit VHDL

-- Model Name : Synthesizable Dataflow - Arithmetic Logic Unit -- Author : Zainalabedin Navabi -- Last Updated : 09 / 15 / 1996 -- This document is © copyrighted by the Author.
USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE EXEMPLAR.exemplar_1164.ALL;
LIBRARY parwan_s;
USE parwan_s.synthesis_parameters.ALL;
USE parwan_s.synthesis_utilities.ALL;
USE parwan_s.alu_operations.ALL;
ENTITY arithmetic_logic_unit IS
    PORT (a_side, b_side : IN byte; code : IN std_logic_vector (2 DOWNTO 0);
      in_flags : IN nibble; z_out : OUT byte; out_flags : OUT nibble);
END arithmetic_logic_unit;
ARCHITECTURE synthesizable_behavioral OF arithmetic_logic_unit IS
    coding: PROCESS (a_side, b_side, code, in_flags)
      VARIABLE t : std_logic_vector (9 DOWNTO 0);
      VARIABLE v, c, z, n : std_logic; --in_flags 3210
      CASE code IS
        WHEN a_add_b | a_sub_b =>
          t := addsub_cv (b_side, a_side, in_flags(2), code(1));
          c := t(8); v := t(9); -- other flags are set at the end
        WHEN a_and_b =>
          t := "00" & ( a_side AND b_side );
          c := in_flags(2); v := in_flags(3);
        WHEN a_input =>
          t := "00" & a_side;
          c := in_flags(2); v := in_flags(3);
        WHEN b_input =>
          t := "00" & b_side;
          c := in_flags(2); v := in_flags(3);
        WHEN b_compl =>
          t := "00" & ( NOT b_side );
          c := in_flags(2); v := in_flags(3);
        WHEN OTHERS =>
          t := "0000000000"; c:= '0'; v := '0';
      END CASE;
      n := t(7);
      z := NOT all_or ( t(7 DOWNTO 0) );
      z_out <= t (7 DOWNTO 0);
      out_flags <= v & c & z & n;
    END PROCESS coding;
END synthesizable_behavioral;