Copyright © 1993 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. and Zainalabedin Navabi
Last updated 12/01/96 by Funda Kutay.
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HOMEWORK SET - 1 : 3.2) Write a dataflow description for a Full Adder 3.3) Wire 4 full adders to build a nibble adder. 3.5) Write a behavioral description for the Sequence Detector to detect 101 sequence.Your sequence should detect overlapping sequences. 3.6) Write a procedure for converting integers between 0 and 255 to a byte.


  4.1)  Write  VHDL  descriptions for  a  two-input NOR gate and an
        XOR gate. Use single delay models  similar to ones used  in
        Section 4.1. Use 4 ns and 7 ns delays for the  NOR  and XOR
        repectively. Use inertial delays.

  4.6)  Write a VHDL description for a package of  four  NAND gates,
        using single_delay model  for  each of  the gates.  Use the
        following entity decleration.

                    ENTITY four_nand2

                      IS PORT (
                                 i1_a, i2_a, i1_b, i2_b,
                                 i1_c, i2_c, i1_d, i2_d :  IN BIT;
                                 o1_a, o1_b, o1_c, o1_d : OUT BIT);

                    END four_nand2;    

  4.7)  Use four_nand2 package of Problem 4.6 to describe a clocked
        SR  latch. The  solution  to  this  problem depends on code 
        developed in 4.6.

  4.8)  The following  description  uses the  four_nand2 package of
        Problem  4.6.  What   Boolean  function   this  description 
        implementing?  The  solution  to  this  problem  depends on
        code developed in 4.6.

        ENTITY unknown IS PORT (a, b, c, d : IN BIT; z : OUT BIT);
        END  unknown;
        ARCHITECTURE mystry OF unknown IS
           COMPONENT chip PORT (
                                  i1_a, i2_a, i1_b, i2_b,
                                  i1_c, i2_c, i1_d, i2_d :  IN BIT;
                                  o1_a, o1_b, o1_c, o1_d : OUT BIT);
           END COMPONENT;    
           FOR ALL : chip USE ENTITY WORK.four_nand2 (packing);
           SIGNAL i1, i2, i3 : BIT;
           g1 : chip PORT MAP (a, b, c, d, i1, i2, i3, i3, i1, i2, i3, z);
        END  mystry;

  4.10) Using  only XOR gate  models of Problem 4.1,  write a  VHDL
        description  for  an 8-bit  even/odd  parity  checker.  The
        circiut  has an 8-bit input vector and two outputs. The odd
        output  is to become 1 when the  number of 1s in the  input
        in  odd. The even  output is the opposite of the odd output.
        Use  generate  statement(s). The  solution to this  problem 
        depends on code developed in 4.1.

  4.15) Write a VHDL  description for a  master-slave  JK flip-flop.
        Use   the   fast_single_delay   model  of  nand2  to  avoid
        oscillation. In  addition  to  this  gate,  you can use all 
        gates in Section 4.1.

  4.16) Use JK flip-flop in Problem 4.15 to design  a 1-bit modular
        binary counter. Based on this module, build a  4-bit binary
        ripple  up-counter.  Design this  counter such that  it can 
        easily  be  cascaded  for  building   large   counters. The
        solution to this problem depends on code developed  in 4.15.


  5.1)  Write a function for the carry output of a full-adder.
  5.2)  Write a function for the sum output of a full-adder.
  5.4)  Using  the carry and sum functions  of Problems 5.1 and 5.2,
        write  a  functional  description of  a full-adder. Use an
        entity decleration with  a,  b, and ci  inputs and s and co
        outputs. In  the  functional  architecture  of  this entity 
        include  the  necessary  functions.  Use  21  ns  and 18 ns
        delays for  the sum  and carry  outputs  respectively.  The
        solution  to  this  problem depends  on  code  developed in
        Problems 5.1 and 5.2. 

  5.18) Write a procedure that assigns consecutive binary numbers to
        its  OUT BIT_VECTOR  lines. The parameters of the  procedure 
        are an 8-bit target output and a  TIME period. When  called,
        it  will assign  sequential  binary  numbers  from 0 to 255
        to its target signal  output. These  numbers are  distanced
        by the amount of the constant  associated  with the  period
        parameter. You  can use  the utilities  of  basic_utilities
  5.20) Show  the  gate  level implementation of a  master-slave JK 
        flip-flop.  Use  the  gates  on  Figure 5.18, and  write  a
        configuration  decleration  on  top  of the  flip-flop. Use
        reasonable  delay  values and avoid  oscillation  by  using
        different delay values for the two cross-coupled gates.


  6.2)  Write  an  entity  decleration  and architecture for an RC
        circuit in the qit logic  value system. The circuit has an
        input and an output. The  output follows the input for '0',
        '1' or 'X' input  values. If the  input  becomes 'Z',  the
        output holds its old value for several  milli-seconds (use
        8 ms).  

  6.3)  Use the RC  circuit in Problem 6.2 to describe an NMOS two
        input  NAND gate.  The solution to this problem depends on
        code developed in 6.2.

  6.6)  Using bin2int  and int2bin,  write  a  function, inc_qits,
        that   returns   the  increment  of  its  qit_vector input 
        parameter. The output of the function should be qit_vector
        type, and values 'X' and 'Z' should be treated as '1'. Use
        unconstrained   arrays   so  that   your  functions  works
        regardless of the size of the input.

  6.10) Write an  unconstrained odd  parity checker  function. The
        input  is  of  qit type. Treat  values 'X' and 'Z' as '1'.
        The function return  the XOR results of all its input. 

  6.12) Speed is  distance/time.  Write a physical type for  speed.
        Overload the division operator to evaluate speed when it is
        used for dividing  distance by time (see Problem 6.4).

        [  6.4)  Show type definition for the distance physical
                 type, ranging from microns to meters.            ]   

  6.15) Write aexpression for detecting the falling edge on a clock
        that is the  qit type. Falling  edge  occurs  only when the
        clock makes a transition  from '1' to '0'.  

  6.18) Repeat Problem 6.7 forunconstrained input a output vectors
      . The output of the the shifter should become all 'X' if the
        value of c is anything but "00", "01", "10" or "11".  Take
        advantage of array attributes. 

        [  6.7)  Use  the   concatenation  operator to  develop a 
                 complete VHDL description  for  an  8-bit  logic
                 shifter. The cicuit has a  2-bit  control  input
                 c. The  value  of  c=00  for  no-opration,  c=01
                 for right rotate, c=10 is  for left  rotate, and
                 c=11 is  for  arithmetic right shift.  The  data
                 input and  the  output  of the  circuit  are the
                 qit_vector type, and  their mappings  determined
                 by the bits of c.                              ]


  7.6)  Write a VHDL description for wiring two decoders in Problem
        7.5 to implement 4-t-16 decoder.

        [  7.5)  A  decoder  with  an   enable  input   is   easily 
                 cascadable. Write a VHDL description for a  3-to-8
                 decoder with  an active low enable  input  and  an
                 active  high  enable  input.  When  disabled,  all
                 outputs have to  be  0. Use  the  qit  logic value
                 system.                                          ]

  7.11) Write a description  for a clocked T-type flip-flop. If  T
        is '1' on the rising  edge  of the  clock, the  outputs of
        the  flip-flop toggle. Use  the  qit  logic  value system.  

  7.12) Write a VHDL  description for a rising edge trigger D-type
        flip-flopwith  asynchronous set and reset inputs  and  two
        outputs. Label  the data, clock, set and reset  inputs  d,
        c, s and  r,  respectively.  Active s or r inputs override
        the clocked   values on  the  d  input;  s  and  r  cannot
        simultaneously  be active. Changes on d without the rising
        edge of c  have  no  effect on the q and qb outputs of the
        flip-flop. Use  delay  parameters  sq_delay,  rq_delay and
        cq_delay   for  setting,  resetting   and   clocking   the 
        flip-flop respectively. Develop a test bench  for  testing
        this flip-flop. Generate a sample periodic  clock  using a
        conditional signal assignment.

  7.13) Given the follwing  description, show  waveforms  on x1, x2
         and  diff  in  a  timing  diagram. Explain  the reason for
         different wave forms on x1 and  x2.

        ENTITY find_out IS END find_out;
        ARCHITECTURE comparing OF find_out IS
          SIGNAL c, x1, x2, diff : BIT := '0';
          c    <= '0' '1' AFTER 60 NS, '0' AFTER 120 NS;
          x1   <= '1' AFTER 6 NS WHEN c'EVENT ELSE x1;
          x2   <= '1' AFTER 6 NS WHEN NOT c'STABLE ELSE x2;
          diff <= x1 XOR x2;
        END comparing;
  7.15) A resolution function, named all_same, resolves all '1's in
        its  sources to '1' and all '0's  to  zero.  This  function
        generates "E", indicating an error condition if conflicting
        values are placed at its sources.
        A) Declare  all  necessary types, and write the description
           of the all_same function. 
        B) Declare   types  and  subtypes  that  can  be  used  for
           declaring  signals  that  can  take  advantage  of  this
           resolution function. 
        C) Package all of the  above  and  show  how  a  single-bit
           signal  x and  a  16-bit  signal x16 should be declared
           such that placement of multiple values on these  signals
           will resolve according to the all_same function.
        D) What actual hardware construct behaves like the all_same

  7.16) Ten  controlled   sources  ( s(i) where i is 1 to 10)  that
        range  between  -25 and +25  volts  are  connected  to  the
        sources  of  10  parallel  MOS transistors.The common drain
        of  these  transistors  is  node n. Each  source, s(i),  is
        controlled by a  control line, c(i), that  is connected  to
        the gate of  the  MOS  transistors. Control  line  voltages
        also  range  between -25  and  +25. A  control line,  c(i),
        turns its  corresponding  transistor  on,  i.e.,  causes it
        to  conduct  which in turn  causes  node  n  be  driven  by
        source s(i) when c(i) is greater than or equal to +5 volts.
        The on-resistance of the parallel transistors is  10 K Ohm.
        Node n is also connected to a 25 V supply  through a 10  K
        Ohm   pull-up  resistor.  At  any   time,  any  number  of 
        controlled  sources may be active.
        A) Write a resolution function that returns the voltage at
           node n depending on the value and number of active
        B) In a  test  architecture,  declare  a  resolved  guarded
           signal  (node n)  whose   resolution  function  is  that
           in Part-A. Use guarded block statements to conditionally
           drive  the  signal  (node n) with up to 10 sources, each
           of which  can take a value between -25 and +25.  This is 
           analogous to  connecting  10 parallel MOS transistors to
           node n and  applying various  voltages to the sources of
           these transistors. Use a generate  statement  instead of
           10 individiual block statements 

  7.17) Use a block statement, a resolution function, a conditional
        signal assigment and a disconnection specification to model
        tri-state noninverting buffer. The gate has data and enable
        inputs x and e and output z. When e is '1', the z output is
        driven by x; otherwise the output is in the high  impedance
        state. The inputs and outputs  are  of  type  qit  and  the
        output is a guarded  signal. Use  the  three  delay  values
        tp_e_z_float, tp_x_z_high, and tp_x_z_low, where :
        tp_e_z_float is  for  e changing  to '0'  and  causing  the
        output to disconnect from  the  input;  tp_x_z_low is for e
        equal to '1' and  x  changing  to '1'  causing  the  output
        become '1', or when  x  is '1' and  e  changes to  '1'; and
        tp_x_z_low  is  for e  equal  to '1' and x  changing  to '0'
        causing the output to  become '0', or  when x is '0' and  e
        changes to '1'. Use '0' and '1' values for  the inputs, and
        map 'X' and  'Z' into  '0' and '1',  respectively. Use  two 
        such buffers for implementing a 2-to-1 multiplexer.   

  7.21) Write the complete VHDL  description for a circuit  with an
        input x  and two outputs, z1 and z2. The circuit consist of
        two concurrent Mealy  machines. The z1  output  becomes '1'
        when  a 1011  sequence  is  found  on  the  input,  and  z2
        becomes '1'  when  a  110  sequence  is  found  on  x. Your
        description  should  be  capable  of having multiple active

  7.22) Write a VHDL description  for a Moore  state  machine  with
        resetting  capability.  While  continuously  searching  for
        1011  on  the   data  input  x,  if  the  reset  input,  r,
        becomes  '1', the  circuit  returns  to  a  reset state. In
        this  state, all  previously received data will be  ignored,
        and a coplete 1011 is  required before  the output  becomes
        '1'.  While  not  reset, circuit  responds  to  overlapping
        valid sequences. 


  8.2)  Write an  assertion  statement to issue a warning message if
        a  negative  pulse  shorter  than  1 us appearson the  input

  8.3)  Write an assertion statement  to issue a  warning message if
        the frequency of the observing clock is lower  than  100 KHz.
        If the clock is to slow in  some MOS  circuits, the  circuit
        looses information. Assume symetrical  clock pulses.

  8.4)  An equivalent description for the  Moore state  machine 8.17
        is shown  here in Fig. 8.41. Modify this  description to one
        for a Mealy machine   detecting the  same sequence.  Write a
        test bench and compare  the Mealy  and  More machine outputs.

        Figure 8.41 : 
ENTITY moore_detector IS 
  PORT (x, clk : IN BIT; z : OUT BIT);
END moore_detector;


ARCHITECTURE behavioral_state_machine OF moore_detector IS
  TYPE state IS (reset, got1, got10, got101, got1011);
  SIGNAL current : state := reset;
    CASE current IS 
      WHEN reset => 
        WAIT UNTIL clk = '1'; 
        IF x = '1' THEN current <= got1;
        ELSE current <= reset;
        END IF;
      WHEN got1 => 
        WAIT UNTIL clk = '1';
        IF x = '0' THEN current <= got10;
        ELSE current <= got1;
        END IF;
      WHEN got10 =>
        WAIT UNTIL clk = '1';
        IF x = '1' THEN current <= got101;
        ELSE current <= reset;
        END IF;
      WHEN got101 =>
        WAIT UNTIL clk = '1';
        IF x = '1' THEN current <= got1011;
        ELSE current <= got10;
        END IF;
      WHEN got1011 =>
        z <= '1';
        WAIT UNTIL clk = '1';
        IF x = '1' THEN current <= got1;
        ELSE current <= got10;
        END IF;
    WAIT FOR 1 NS;
    z <= '0';
END behavioral_state_machine;
  8.7)  Write   behavioral  description for a dvide-by-n circuit  in
        which  n is  passed  to  it  via  a  generic  parameter. The
        circuit has an  input x and a z output. For every n positive
        pulse on x, one positive pulse should appear on z.

  8.9)  Write a behavioral description  for modeling a  asynchronous
        circuit. The circuit  has inputs x and y, and output z. If a 
        0-to-1 transition on  xis  immediately followed  by a 1-to-0
        transition on y (with no other transitions  on  either input
        between these two transitions), the output  becomes '1'. The
        output  stays  high  until  either  x  changes to '0',  or y
        changes to '1'. Use process and wait statements.  

  8.11) Write a procedure (print_hex)to convert an unconstrained
        BIT_VECTOR to a string of hexadecimal digits and print it to
        a declared file. The subpragram decleration should be
        specified this way :

           PROCEDURE print_hex (VARIABLE hex : OUT TEXT; bin : BIT_VECTOR);  

        In  this  decleration, hex  is  the open  text file object to
        which writing  to be done, and  bin is the binary  data to be
        printed. Use this procedure in a description as a synchronous
        binary up-counter to  verify its functioning. Use the  method
        suggested in Problem 8.10 to implement the counter.

        [  8.10 Write a process to  output a  4-bit BIT_VECTOR signal
                in hexadecimal. When  an event  occurs on the signal,
                the process become  active, and it  writes  the time
                and the hexadecimal representation of the signal  to
                an  output  file. To  test  the  process, use it  in
                description of a synchronous binary  up-counter, and
                output the  counter output to a  file named  hex_out.
                You  may   use  utilities   in  the  basic_utilities
                package. The statement shows a simple implementation
                of the binary counter:

          count <= inc (count) WHEN clk = '1' clk'EVENT ELSE count; ]

  8.16) In  this  problem you  will  use a 10 value logic system of
        integers ranging  between  0 and 9. When  an input  reaches
        value 0, it is considered low and  when it reaches to 9, it
        is considered high.
        A) Define  ten  value type  using  integer  base type.
        B) Write a  description of  an inverter  using  this  value
           system. When  the input  reaches the  low level (0), the
           output starts  switching to high, and  linearly  changes
           from 0 to 9 in 30 ns. When the  input  reaches  the high
           level(9), the  output  starts  switching from 9 to 0  in
           20  ns. You  need  not  be  concerned  about  the  input
           changing  too fast  for  the  output  to  respond. Model
           linear  changes  on the  output only,  considering  only 
           extreme low and high values at the input of the inverter.  

  8.17) Use the 10 value logic  system  in the previous   problem to
        model  waveform   dependencies  in  logic  gates.  Model  an
        inverter with an  input threshold value  of 5, so  that  the
        inverter starts switching to its high state when input state
        crosses 5 in the downward direction, and starts switching to
        its  low  state when  input  state  crosses 5  in the upward
        direction.  Complete  transitions   of  the  output  of  the
        inverter from high state (9) to low state (0)  take 20 ns (2
        ns for each state), while the transitions from  low  to high
        takes 30 ns (3 ns for each state). The output should respond
        the changes on the input while making a transition, i.e., if
        the input switches from 5 to 6 while the output is making  a
        low-to-high transition, the  direction of of the  the output
        should  change. This  is not an  easy problem. Also, you can
        easily modify this problem to  make  the speed of the output
        depend on the speed of the input.


 9.2)  In Parwan assembly code, write a program  to move a block of
       data that  is  stored  in the  memory.  The data  begins  at
       location 4:00 and ends at 4:63, and is to bo moved to page 5
       starting at 5:64.

 9.4)  Show  the  VHDL description of the Mark-1 machine whose ISPS
       description  appeared in Figure 1.3 of Chapter 1.

Figure 1.3 : An ISPS example, a simple processor.
                      (Source: M. R. Barbacci, The ISPS Computer
                       Description Language, Carnegie-Mellon 
                       University, 1981, p. 70)
mark1 :=
        ** memory.state          **
        ** processor.state       **
                f\function<0:2> := pi<15:13>,
                s<0:12> := pi<12:0>,
        ** instruction.execution ** {tc}
MAIN i.cycle :=
        pi = m[cr]<15:0> NEXT
        DECODE f =>
        0\jmp   := cr   = m[s],
        1\jrp   := cr   = cr + m[s],
        2\ldn   := acc  = - m[s]
        3\sto   := m[s] = acc,
        4:5\sub := acc  = acc - m[s],
        6\cmp   := IF acc LSS 0 => cr = cr+1,
        7\stp   := STOP(),
                END NEXT
        cr = cr+ 1 NEXT
        RESTART i.cycle

  9.10) Parwan  can   be  modified  to  use   only   three  bits  for
        distinguishing between various  non-address  instructions. We
        can, therefore, reserve bit 3 of the instruction register  as
        an opcode bit for  extending Parwan instructions.In addition,
        two more non-address instructions can be added to  the Parwan
        instructions. Modfy  the  behavioral  descrioption  of Parwan
        such that  non-address  instructions use 11100xxx opcode. For
        xxx use  000, 001, 010, 100, and 101  for nop, cla, cma, cmc,
        asl and asr, respectively. 
  9.12) Add a stack pointer to the register and bussing structure of
        Parwan for the implementation of a software  stack. Restrict
        the stack to the last page of the memory.  Use the method of
        opcode expansion suggested  in Problem 9.10 to make room for
        a new instruction, and use 11101001  for an  lds instruction
        that loads  the  stack  pointer with  the data  in  the next
        instruction byte. Show all  bus connections,  registers  and
        necessary control signals.
  9.13) Use the method  suggested in Problem 9.10, and stack pointer
        of  Problem 9.12 to  add two  new  non-address instructions,
        push and  pop. Use 11100110 for push,  and 11100111 for pop.
        Modify  the   behavioral   description  of  Parwan  for  the 
        execution of these instructions.


 9.16) Show  the  dataflow  implementation  of the opcode extension
       scheme  suggested in  Problem 9.10.  Show  all  required bus
       connections, and modify the controller of Parwan. 
 9.18) Modify the Parwandataflow description for the implementation
       of lds, push and pop instructions (see Problems 9.12 & 9.13).
       Show all required bus connections, write a  description  for
       the stack pointer (sp), and insert this unit in the datapath
       description of Parwan. Also, modify the Parwan controller to
       properly execute this instruction.