module nibble_comparator (
a, b, // data inputs
gt, eq, lt, // previous greater than, equal, less than
a_gt_b, // greater
a_eq_b, // equal
a_lt_b); // less than
input [3:0] a, b;
input gt, eq, lt;
output a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
wire [0:8] im;
bit_comparator cc[0:3] ( a, b,
{im[6],im[3],im[0],gt}, {im[7],im[4],im[1],eq}, {im[8],im[5],im[2],lt},
{a_gt_b,im[6],im[3],im[0]}, {a_eq_b,im[7],im[4],im[1]}, {a_lt_b,im[8],im[5],im[2]});
bit_comparator c0 (a[0], b[0], gt, eq, lt, im[0], im[1], im[2]);
bit_comparator c1 (a[1], b[1], im[0], im[1], im[2], im[3], im[4], im[5]);
bit_comparator c2 (a[2], b[2], im[3], im[4], im[5], im[6], im[7], im[8]);
bit_comparator c3 (a[3], b[3], im[6], im[7], im[8], a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b);
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_xor8;
reg [1:8] xin1, xin2;
wire [1:8] xout;
xor8 u1 (xout, xin1, xin2);
xin1 = 1'd0; xin2 = 1'd0;
#50 xin1 = 1'd15; xin2 = 1'd14;
#50 ;
#50 xin1 = 1'd14; xin2 = 1'd15;
#50 ;
#50 xin1 = 1'd12;
#50 ;
#50 xin1 = 1'd10;
#50 $finish;
module xor8(xout, xin1, xin2);
output [1:8] xout;
input [1:8] xin1, xin2;
xor a[1:8] (xout, xin1, xin2);
endmodule `timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_xor8;
reg [1:8] xin1, xin2;
wire [1:8] xout;
xor8 u1 (xout, xin1, xin2);
xin1 = 1'd0; xin2 = 1'd0;
#50 xin1 = 8'd15; xin2 = 8'd14;
#50 ;
#50 xin1 = 8'd14; xin2 = 8'd15;
#50 ;
#50 xin1 = 8'd12;
#50 ;
#50 xin1 = 8'd10;
#50 $finish;
module xor1 (xout, xin1, xin2);
output xout;
input xin1, xin2;
assign xout = xin1 & xin2;
module xor8(xout, xin1, xin2);
output [1:8] xout;
input [1:8] xin1, xin2;
xor1 a (xout, xin1, xin2);
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_driver;
reg [3:0] in;
reg en;
wire [3:0] out;
driver u1(out, in, en);
in = 1'd0; en = 1;
#50 in = 4'd15; en = 0;
#50 ;
#50 in = 4'd14; en = 1;
#50 ;
#50 in = 4'd12;
#50 ;
#50 in = 4'd10;
#50 $finish;
module driver (in, out, en);
output [3:0] out;
input [3:0] in;
input en;
bufif0 ar[3:0] (out, in, {en, en, en, en});
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module bit_comparator (
a, b, // data inputs
gt, eq, lt, // previous greater than, equal, less than
a_gt_b, // greater
a_eq_b, // equal
a_lt_b); // less than
input a, b, gt, eq, lt;
output a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
wire im1, im2, im3, im4, im5, im6, im7, im8, im9, im10;
// a_gt_b output
not #(4)
g0 (im1, a),
g1 (im2, b);
nand #(5)
g2 (im3, a, im2),
g3 (im4, a, gt),
g4 (im5, im2, gt);
nand #(6)
g5 (a_gt_b, im3, im4, im5);
// a_eq_b output
nand #(6)
g6 (im6, im1, im2, eq),
g7 (im7, a, b, eq);
nand #(5)
g8 (a_eq_b, im6, im7);
// a_lt_b output
nand #(5)
g9 (im8, im1, b),
g10 (im9, im1, lt),
g11 (im10, b, lt);
nand #(6)
g12 (a_lt_b, im8, im9, im10);
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module bit_comparator (
a, b, // data inputs
gt, eq, lt, // previous greater than, equal, less than
a_gt_b, // greater
a_eq_b, // equal
a_lt_b); // less than
input a, b, gt, eq, lt;
output a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
wand im345, im67, im890;
wire im1, im2;
// a_gt_b output
not #(4)
g0 (im1, a),
g1 (im2, b);
nand (highz1, strong0) #(5)
g2 (im345, a, im2),
g3 (im345, a, gt),
g4 (im345, im2, gt);
not #6 (a_gt_b, im345);
// a_eq_b output
nand (highz1, strong0) #(6)
g6 (im67, im1, im2, eq),
g7 (im67, a, b, eq);
not #5 (a_eq_b, im67);
// a_lt_b output
nand (highz1, strong0) #(5)
g9 (im890, im1, b),
g10 (im890, im1, lt),
g11 (im890, b, lt);
not #6 (a_lt_b, im890);
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module bit_comparator (
a, b, // data inputs
gt, eq, lt, // previous greater than, equal, less than
a_gt_b, // greater
a_eq_b, // equal
a_lt_b); // less than
input a, b, gt, eq, lt;
output a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
wand im345, im67, im890;
wire im1, im2;
pullup (pull1)
p1 (im345),
p2 (im67),
p3 (im890);
// a_gt_b output
not #(4)
g0 (im1, a),
g1 (im2, b);
nand (highz1, strong0) #(5)
g2 (im345, a, im2),
g3 (im345, a, gt),
g4 (im345, im2, gt);
not #6 (a_gt_b, im345);
// a_eq_b output
nand (highz1, strong0) #(6)
g6 (im67, im1, im2, eq),
g7 (im67, a, b, eq);
not #5 (a_eq_b, im67);
// a_lt_b output
nand (highz1, strong0) #(5)
g9 (im890, im1, b),
g10 (im890, im1, lt),
g11 (im890, b, lt);
not #6 (a_lt_b, im890);
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module bit_comparator (
a, b, // data inputs
gt, eq, lt, // previous greater than, equal, less than
a_gt_b, // greater
a_eq_b, // equal
a_lt_b); // less than
input a, b, gt, eq, lt;
output a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
wire im1, im2;
wor im345, im67, im890;
pulldown (pull0)
p1 (im345),
p2 (im67),
p3 (im890);
// a_gt_b output
not #(4)
g0 (im1, a),
g1 (im2, b);
and (highz0, strong1) #(5)
g2 (im345, a, im2),
g3 (im345, a, gt),
g4 (im345, im2, gt);
assign #6 a_gt_b = im345;
// a_eq_b output
and (highz0, strong1) #(6)
g6 (im67, im1, im2, eq),
g7 (im67, a, b, eq);
assign #5 a_eq_b = im67;
// a_lt_b output
and (highz0, strong1) #(5)
g9 (im890, im1, b),
g10 (im890, im1, lt),
g11 (im890, b, lt);
assign #6 a_lt_b = im890;
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module bit_comparator (
a, b, // data inputs
gt, eq, lt, // previous greater than, equal, less than
a_gt_b, // greater
a_eq_b, // equal
a_lt_b); // less than
// Cannot specify delay values on wired logic.
input a, b, gt, eq, lt;
output a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
wire im1, im2;
wor a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
pulldown (a_gt_b), (a_eq_b), (a_lt_b);
// a_gt_b output
not #(4)
g0 (im1, a),
g1 (im2, b);
and (highz0, strong1) #(5)
g2 (a_gt_b, a, im2),
g3 (a_gt_b, a, gt),
g4 (a_gt_b, im2, gt);
// a_eq_b output
and (highz0, strong1) #(6)
g6 (a_eq_b, im1, im2, eq),
g7 (a_eq_b, a, b, eq);
// a_lt_b output
and (highz0, strong1) #(5)
g9 (a_lt_b, im1, b),
g10 (a_lt_b, im1, lt),
g11 (a_lt_b, b, lt);
// Verilog test bench and stimulus for bitcomp
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_bit_comparator;
reg a, b, gt, eq, lt;
wire a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
bit_comparator u1 (a, b, gt, eq, lt, a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b);
a = 1'b0;
b = 1'b0;
gt = 1'b0; eq = 1'b1; lt = 1'b0;
#20 a = 1; #20 b = 1; #20 a = 0; #20 b = 0;
#100; $finish;
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module byte_latch (di, c, qo);
input [7:0] di;
input c;
output [7:0] qo;
wire dbar;
d_latch c7 (di[7], c, qo[7]);
d_latch c6 (di[6], c, qo[6]);
d_latch c5 (di[5], c, qo[5]);
d_latch c4 (di[4], c, qo[4]);
d_latch c3 (di[3], c, qo[3]);
d_latch c2 (di[2], c, qo[2]);
d_latch c1 (di[1], c, qo[1]);
d_latch c0 (di[0], c, qo[0]);
module byte_comparator (
a, b, // data inputs
gt, eq, lt, // previous greater than, equal, less than
a_gt_b, // greater
a_eq_b, // equal
a_lt_b); // less than
input [7:0] a, b;
input gt, eq, lt;
output a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
wire [0:20] im;
bit_comparator c0 (a[0], b[0], gt, eq, lt, im[0], im[1], im[2]);
bit_comparator c1 (a[1], b[1], im[00], im[01], im[02], im[03], im[04], im[05]);
bit_comparator c2 (a[2], b[2], im[03], im[04], im[05], im[06], im[07], im[08]);
bit_comparator c3 (a[3], b[3], im[06], im[07], im[08], im[09], im[10], im[11]);
bit_comparator c4 (a[4], b[4], im[09], im[10], im[11], im[12], im[13], im[14]);
bit_comparator c5 (a[5], b[5], im[12], im[13], im[14], im[15], im[16], im[17]);
bit_comparator c6 (a[6], b[6], im[15], im[16], im[17], im[18], im[19], im[20]);
bit_comparator c7 (a[7], b[7], im[18], im[19], im[20], a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b);
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module byte_latch (di, clk, qo);
input [7:0] di;
input clk;
output [7:0] qo;
sr_latch sr[7:0] (di, r, c, q);
// Verilog test bench and stimulus for byte_latch
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_byte_latch;
reg [7:0] di;
reg clk;
wire [7:0] qo;
byte_latch u1 (di, clk, qo);
clk = 1'b0;
#10 di = 8'd0; #10 di = 8'd66; #10 di = 8'd89;
#10 $finish;
always #10 clk = ~ clk;
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module cmos_nand (a, b, z);
input a, b;
output z;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
wire im1;
nmos #(4)
g1 (z, im1, a),
g2 (im1, gnd, b);
pmos #(5)
g4 (z, vdd, a),
g5 (z, vdd, b);
// Verilog test bench and stimulus for cmos_nand
`timescale 100ns/1ns
module test_cmos_nand;
reg a, b;
wire z;
cmos_nand n (a, b, z);
a = 0; b = 1;
#25 a = 1; #11 b = 0;
#10 a = 0; #10 b = 1;
#11 a = 1; #11 b = 0;
#30 $stop;
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module cmos_sr_latch (s, r, c, q);
input s, r, c;
output q;
wire im1, im2, im3;
g1 (s, c, im1),
g3 (im1, im3, q);
g2 (r, c, im2),
g4 (q, im2, im3);
// Verilog test bench and stimulus for sr_latch
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_cmos_sr_latch;
reg s, r, c;
wire q;
cmos_sr_latch u1 (s, r, c, q);
s = 0; r = 0; c = 1;
#25 s = 1; #11 s = 0;
#10 r = 1; #10 r = 0;
#11 s = 1; #11 s = 0;
#30 $finish;
always #10 c = ~ c;
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module dd_latch (d, c, q);
input d, c;
output q;
wire im1, cnot, qnot;
not #(5)
g1 (cnot, c),
g2 (qnot, im1),
g3 (q, qnot);
cmos #(3)
g4 (im1, d, c, cnot),
g5 (im1, q, cnot, c);
// Verilog test bench and stimulus for dd_latch
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_dd_latch;
reg d, c;
wire q;
dd_latch u1 (d, c, q);
d = 0; c = 1;
#25 d = 1; #11 d = 0;
#10 d = 1; #10 d = 0;
#11 d = 1; #11 d = 0;
#30 $stop;
always #10 c = ~ c;
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module dd_master_slave (d, c, q);
input d, c;
output q;
wire m, cnot;
trireg #(0, 0, 96) cap1, cap2;
not #(5)
g1 (cnot, c),
g2 (m, cap1),
g3 (q, cap2);
cmos #(3)
g4 (cap1, d, c, cnot),
g5 (cap2, m, cnot, c);
// Verilog test bench and stimulus for dd_master_slave
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_dd_master_slave;
reg d, c;
wire q;
dd_master_slave u1 (d, c, q);
d = 0; c = 1;
#25 d = 1; #11 d = 0;
#31 d = 1; #11 d = 0;
#30 $finish;
always #10 c = ~ c;
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module d_latch (d, c, q);
input d, c;
output q;
wire dbar;
sr_latch c1 (d, dbar, c, q);
not #4 c2 (dbar, d);
// Verilog test bench and stimulus for d_latch
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_d_latch;
reg d, c;
wire q;
d_latch u1 (d, c, q);
d = 0; c = 1;
#25 d = 1; #11 d = 0;
#10 d = 1; #10 d = 0;
#11 d = 1; #11 d = 0;
#30 $stop;
always #10 c = ~ c;
module nibble_comparator (
a, b, // data inputs
gt, eq, lt, // previous greater than, equal, less than
a_gt_b, // greater
a_eq_b, // equal
a_lt_b); // less than
input [3:0] a, b;
input gt, eq, lt;
output a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
wire [0:8] im;
bit_comparator c0 (a[0], b[0], gt, eq, lt, im[0], im[1], im[2]);
bit_comparator c1 (a[1], b[1], im[0], im[1], im[2], im[3], im[4], im[5]);
bit_comparator c2 (a[2], b[2], im[3], im[4], im[5], im[6], im[7], im[8]);
bit_comparator c3 (a[3], b[3], im[6], im[7], im[8], a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b);
// Verilog test bench and stimulus for nibble_comparator
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_nibble_comparator;
reg [3:0] a, b;
supply0 gt, lt; supply1 eq;
wire a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b;
nibble_comparator u1 (a, b, gt, eq, lt, a_gt_b, a_eq_b, a_lt_b);
a = 4'd0; b = 4'd0;
#50 a = 4'd15; b = 4'd14;
#50 ;
#50 a = 4'd14; b = 4'd15;
#50 ;
#50 b = 4'd12;
#50 ;
#50 a = 4'd10;
#50 a = 4'd00; b = 4'd15;
#50 a = 4'd15;
#50 a = 4'd00;
#50 b = 4'd00;
#50 a = 4'd15;
#50 $finish;
module old_new_comparator (i, clk, gt_compare, eq_compare);
input [7:0] i;
input clk;
output gt_compare, eq_compare;
wire [7:0] con1;
supply1 vdd;
supply0 gnd;
byte_latch l (i, clk, con1);
byte_comparator c (con1, i, gnd, vdd, gnd, gt_compare, eq_compare, );
// Verilog test bench and stimulus for old_new_comparator
`timescale 100ns/1ns
module test_old_new_comparator;
reg [7:0] i;
reg clk;
wire gt_compare, eq_compare;
old_new_comparator u1 (i, clk, gt_compare, eq_compare);
clk = 1'b0;
#18 i = 8'd0; #18 i = 8'd66; #18 i = 8'd89;
#18 i = 8'd6; #18 i = 8'd73; #18 i = 8'd14;
#18 i = 8'd5; #18 i = 8'd12; #18 i = 8'd76;
#18 $finish;
always #10 clk = ~ clk;
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module sr_latch (s, r, c, q);
input s, r, c;
output q;
wire im1, im2, im3;
nand #(5)
g1 (im1, s, c),
g2 (im2, r, c),
g3 (q, im1, im3),
g4 (im3, q, im2);
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module sr_latch (s, r, c, q);
input s, r, c;
output q;
wire im1, im2, im3;
nand #(5)
g1 (im1, s, c),
g3 (q, im1, im3);
nand #(3)
g2 (im2, r, c),
g4 (im3, q, im2);
// Verilog test bench and stimulus for sr_latch
`timescale 10ns/1ns
module test_sr_latch;
reg s, r, c;
wire q;
sr_latch u1 (s, r, c, q);
s = 0; r = 0; c = 1;
#25 s = 1; #11 s = 0;
#10 r = 1; #10 r = 0;
#11 s = 1; #11 s = 0;
#30 $finish;
always #10 c = ~ c;