Last updated 14 Dec 1998 by sh

       European Space Agency VHDL Repository: document directory

This directory is used for storing documents related to VHDL, ASIC
design, FPGAs and components for designing spacecraft electronics.

Contact points are:
   S. Habinc,      e-mail
   P. Sinander,    e-mail


Unless otherwise specified, the following copyright notice applies to
all information in this repository:

    Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998 European Space Agency. All rights reserved.

    This information may be used and distributed without restriction
    provided that this copyright statement is retained and that any
    derivative work acknowledges the origin of the information.


All information is provided "as is", there is no warranty that the information 
is correct or suitable for any purpose, neither implicit nor explicit.

The information does not necessarily reflect the policy of the European
Space Agency.


AccVHDL.pdf      "Accelerated Verification of Digital Devices Using VHDL"
                 This paper presents two aspects for improving the verification
                 of microprocessors; program-less verification, and methods for
                 handling large differences in abstraction level between a
                 reference model and the actual design. Program-less
                 verification is a type of pseudo random verification where the
                 notion of a software program executing on the microprocessor
                 has been abandoned. This paper will be presented at the VHDL
                 Users' Forum in Europe in Lausanne (CH), September 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

AGGAIntro.pdf    Obsolete - temporarily replaced by a link to AGGA2Intro.pdf

AGGA2Intro.pdf   "Development of an Advanced GPS GLONASS ASIC"
                 This paper presents the second generation radiation tolerant
                 Advanced GPS GLONASS ASIC, the AGGA-2, implementing the core
                 digital signal processing for combined GPS and GLONASS
                 receivers. The AGGA-2 supports a wide range of space related
                 applications, both for single-frequency (C/A- code) and
                 dual-frequency (both C/A- and P-code) receivers. The paper
                 describes the principles of GPS operation, followed by a
                 list of applications supported by the AGGA-2, typical receiver
                 configurations and an overview of the AGGA-2 functionality.
                 This paper was presented at the DSP'98 conference in
                 Noordwijk (NL), September 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF    "VHDL Models for Board-level Simulation", 
                 ref. WSM/SH/010, February 1996
                 This document provides recommendations for development and
                 usage of VHDL models intended for Board-level simulation. The
                 purpose of these recommendations is to define modelling
                 criteria that will produce models that are highly accurate in
                 both functionality and timing, and that will provide sufficient
                 simulation performance to facilitate long simulation runs.
                 Format: PostScript

BoardLevel.pdf   "VHDL Models for Board-level Simulation"
                 Format: Adobe PDF      "Using VHDL for Board-Level Simulation"
                 Prototyping is a necessity for successful development of
                 printed circuit boards built with complex components such as
                 microprocessors, ASICs and ASSPs. In this paper an approach to
                 prototyping are presented based on VHDL models for board-level
                 simulation written for high functional accuracy and simulation
                 performance. This paper was published in IEEE Design & Test of
                 Computers, Fall 1996.
                 Format: PostScript

BoardSim.pdf     "Using VHDL for Board-Level Simulation"
                 Format: Adobe PDF

BoardVHDL.pdf    "Boardlevel Simulation using VHDL Models"
                 This paper was presented at the DASIA'96 - Data Systems in
                 Aerospace conference in Rome (I), May 1996.
                 Format: Adobe PDF      "Support Component List"
CompList.pdf     Documents obsolete due to age, have been removed

CTMS.pdf	 "Local Time Management System Validation Board", 
                 ref. WSM/SH/400, March 1998
                 A validation board for the Local Time Management System (LTMS)
                 component has been developed at ESTEC. The board comprises an
                 LTMS component and a Central Time Management System (CTMS)
                 prototype which both can be accessed through a parallel
                 microprocessor interface. Validation boards are made available
                 to industry for validation purposes.
                 Format: Adobe PDF     "ASIC Design and Manufacturing Requirements", 
                 ref. WDN/PS/700 Issue 2, October 1994
                 This document specifies ESA ASIC design requirements to be
                 applied in ESA contracts (when so specified). The document is
                 focused on the development of ASSPs (Application Specific
                 Standard Products), i.e. ASICs that are to be made commonly
                 Format: PostScript

DesignReq.pdf    "ASIC Design and Manufacturing Requirements"
                 Format: Adobe PDF      "Virtual Channel Multiplexer (VCM) Data Sheet", January 1994
                 This document is not officially supported by MITEL
                 Semiconductor, but an official issue is being prepared
                 by the foundry.
                 Format: PostScript     "Virtual Channel Assembler (VCA) Data Sheet", January 1994
                 This document is not officially supported by MITEL
                 Semiconductor, but an official issue is being prepared
                 by the foundry.
                 Format: PostScript

Iris.pdf         "A Single-chip CCSDS Packet Telemetry and Telecommand
                 Based Microcamera"
                 By applying the packet telemetry and telecommand standards
                 endorsed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the
                 Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) to a
                 microcamera, the need for support from the on-board data
                 handling system can almost be eliminated. If the microcamera is
                 designed with interfaces that fully match those of the
                 telemetry and the telecommand subsystem, the additional
                 interface components will be reduced to simple transceivers.
                 This paper was presented at the First ESA Workshop on Tracking,
                 Telemetry and Command Systems in Noordwijk (NL), June 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF          "A Local Time Management System ASSP"
                 The Local Time Management System is a radiation hard
                 component that will enable users to accurately establish the
                 time correlation between events reported on ground via packet
                 telemetry data and their actual time of occurrence in an
                 on-board application. This paper was presented at the Workshop
                 on Microelectronics for Satellite Applications in Noordwijk
                 (NL), December 1996.
                 Format: PostScript

LTMS.pdf         "A Local Time Management System ASSP"
                 Format: Adobe PDF

Micro8052.pdf    "A Microcontroller with Built-in Support for CCSDS Telecommand
                 and Telemetry"
                 A microcontroller based on the well-known Intel 8052 device is
                 being developed with built-in support for CCSDS telecommand and
                 telemetry. The objective is to develop a microcontroller for 
                 applications with moderate processing requirements but needing
                 high safety and easy accommodation of equipment interfaces.
                 This paper was presented at the First ESA Workshop on Tracking,
                 Telemetry and Command Systems in Noordwijk (NL), June 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF    "VHDL Modelling Guidelines", ref. ASIC/001 Issue 1, 
                 September 1994
                 The ESA VHDL Modelling Guidelines have been established to
                 ensure a good coding standard for VHDL, w.r.t. to readability,
                 portability and extensive verification. There are separate
                 sections dealing with specific requirements for models for
                 component simulation, board-level simulation, system-level
                 simulation and testbenches. The document is being used for
                 education at several universities, as a base for company
                 specific guidelines etc.
                 Format: PostScript

ModelGuide.pdf   "VHDL Modelling Guidelines"
                 Format: Adobe PDF

MS13196.pdf      "LTMS - Local Time Management System, Data Sheet, 
                 MS13196 Draft B, 28 July 1998"
                 This document is officially supported by MITEL Semiconductor, 
                 and a newer issue is being prepared by the foundry.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

MS13544.pdf      "MS13544 - Reed-Solomon and Convolutional Encoder (RESCUE), 
		 Data Sheet, Preliminary Information, DS5084-2.0 December 1998
                 This document is officially supported by MITEL Semiconductor.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

Petra.pdf        "An Autonomous CCSDS Packet Generating ASIC for Analogue and
                 Digital Telemetry"
                 The Packetised Essential Telemetry Retrieval ASIC (PETRA) is
                 a mixed analogue/digital chip for retrieving sensor data
                 on-board spacecraft. This paper introduces the advantages of
                 using the PETRA in a spacecraft's Data Handling System compared
                 to a traditional implementation. This paper was presented at
                 the First ESA Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command
                 Systems in Noordwijk (NL), June 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

PetraFlyer.pdf   "PETRA - Packetised Essential Telemetry Retrieval ASIC"
                 (by SSL, Ireland)
                 The PETRA is a mixed analogue/digital device demonstrating a
                 novel concept for retrieving sensor data on-board spacecraft:
                 each PETRA chip can connect up to 40 analogue or digital
                 sensors which are sampled at a nominal period between 10 ms
                 and 50 s. The sensor data is output as CCSDS compliant
                 Telemetry packets. Several PETRA chips can be cascaded in
                 a chain, to be able to connect as many sensors as required.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

RadHard.pdf      "Radiation Hard ASICs for On-Board Applications"
                 This paper describes the ESA/ESTEC approach to develop Standard
                 ASICs for on-board applications. The ASIC developments
                 performed within the "Radiation Hard Data Handling Technology"
                 frame contract are summarised in terms of functionality of the
                 devices, process characteristics, current status and
                 availability of parts to potential users. This paper was
                 presented at the DASIA'98 - Data Systems in Aerospace
                 conference in Athens (GR), May 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

ReadOut.pdf      "Miniaturised Microcontroller based Read-out Electronics for
                 Space Applications"
                 The Particle Detector Front End (PDFE) ASIC together with an
                 8052 based microcontroller forms a chip set being developed by
                 the European Space Agency (ESA) for compact low cost scientific
                 energetic particle instrumentation. Driving requirements of low
                 noise and power consumption led to the selection of a single
                 configurable analogue channel followed by an internal 8-bit
                 ADC. Low mass and volume necessitated for space applications
                 require on-chip integration of supporting functions such as
                 discriminators, independent coincidence event detection and an
                 efficient serial control interface. This paper was presented at
                 the 8th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors in
                 Schloss Elmau (G), June 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF        "A CCSDS Reed-Solomon Encoder Core and Radiation Hard Device"
                 This paper is obsolete and has been replaced by RescueChip.pdf.
                 The paper was presented at the Workshop on Microelectronics for
                 Satellite Applications in Noordwijk (NL), December 1996.
                 Format: PostScript

Rescue.pdf       "A CCSDS Reed-Solomon Encoder Core and Radiation Hard Device"
                 Format: Adobe PDF

RescueChip.pdf   "RESCUE - A Radiation Hard CCSDS Reed-Solomon and Convolutional
                 Encoder Device"
                 A radiation hard CCSDS Reed-Solomon and Convolutional Encoder
                 (RESCUE) device has been developed along this line to meet
                 current and future demands, being based on previously developed
                 encoder cores. This paper was presented at the First ESA
                 Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems in
                 Noordwijk (NL), June 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

SmallSat.pdf     "Low cost, ASIC based Telemetry and Telecommand Systems -
                 The TeamSat Experience"
                 The TeamSat dual spacecraft launched by the Ariane 502 test
                 launch was completed in record time and very low cost. The
                 data handling system was ready to support final integration
                 and testing in 6 months despite the fact it had to be designed
                 and constructed from scratch. This paper will be presented at 
                 the 4th symposium on Small Satellites Systems and Services in 
                 Antibes - Juan Les Pins (F), September 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

TeamBullet.pdf   "The TEAMSAT Experience: TEAMSAT's Data-Handling Systems"
                 Twenty-five weeks from project approval to the delivery of two 
                 working, flightworthy spacecraft data-handling systems did not, 
                 during the feasibility study, seem possible to fulfil. However, 
                 due to staff dedication combined with some calculated risk-taking 
                 and the availability of the ESA Telemetry and Telecommand chipset, 
                 a working data-handling system including ground segment was 
                 already available six weeks prior to TEAMSAT's shipment to Kourou.
                 This article was published in the ESA Bulletin Number 95, 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

TeamDHS.pdf      "The TeamSat Data Handling System"
                 TeamSat is the first ESA spacecraft to be flown with ESA/CCSDS
                 compliant TM and TC systems and the first spacecraft anywhere
                 to exploit the adaptive, asynchronous TM capabilities they
                 support. The paper presents the data handling system of the
                 TeamSat dual spacecraft. This paper was presented at the First
                 ESA Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command Systems in
                 Noordwijk (NL), June 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

TeamSat.pdf	 "TM/TC Interface Glue Logic for TeamSat Spacecraft",
                 ref. WSM/SH/256 Issue 3, April 1998
                 Large part of the glue logic for the TeamSat TM/TC system was
                 implemented in two Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).
                 This document specifies all functional requirements. It is
                 assumed that the reader has previous knowledge about ESA/CCSDS
                 packet TM/TC standards and components implementing them.
                 Format: Adobe PDF          "Components for Building Telecommand and Telemetry On-board
                 This paper is obsolete and has been replaced by TmTc98.pdf. 
                 The paper was presented at the On-board Data Management 
                 Symposium in Rome (I), January 1994.
                 Format: PostScript

TmTc98.pdf       "Telecommand and Telemetry Components for Today and Tomorrow"
                 The CCSDS Telecommand and Telemetry standards are today being
                 employed for a large number of scientific and commercial
                 spacecraft. Using this standard allows reduced costs for
                 on-board, ground and test equipment, as well as for spacecraft
                 testing and in-orbit operation. This paper introduces the
                 CCSDS/ESA standards, and presents the supporting standard
                 components developed the Command Pulse Distribution Unit and a
                 by ESA and a typical TM/TC system based on these components.
                 This paper was presented at the First ESA Workshop on Tracking,
                 Telemetry and Command Systems in Noordwijk (NL), June 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

TRA.pdf          "TTC-B-01 / RS-232 Adapter (TRA) - Functional Description"
                 The TRA converts between the on-board TTC-B-01 interface
                 and the commercial RS-232 interface. It is supposed to be
                 used for communication between a Visual Monitoring Camera
                 and a personal computer.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

Turbo.pdf        "Development Plan for Turbo Encoder Core and Devices
                 Implementing the Updated CCSDS Telemetry Channel Coding
                 A new coding scheme known as Turbo Coding is being introduced
                 in the telemetry channel coding recommendations from the
                 Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS). As turbo
                 coding is being considered for several European scientific
                 spacecraft, the development of a turbo encoder core and
                 devices, with the associated ground system, has been undertaken
                 by the European Space Agency (ESA). This paper was presented at
                 the First ESA Workshop on Tracking, Telemetry and Command
                 Systems in Noordwijk (NL), June 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF

TurboCCSDS.pdf   "CCSDS Telemetry Channel Coding: The Turbo Codes Option"
                 This paper was presented at the CSDS Workshop on New 
                 Technologies, New Standards, November 1998.
                 Format: Adobe PDF     "The Usage of VHDL in the European Space Agency"
               	 An overview of the current and envisaged (April 1995) usage
                 of VHDL within ESA. Describes the background, scope and purpose
                 of the ESA VHDL Modelling Guidelines, and introduces the 
                 upcoming document "VHDL Models for Board-level Simulation". 
                 Outlines a planned scheme for making VHDL models for 
                 Board-level simulation available including schemes for 
                 protecting the design information. The paper was presented at 
                 the Workshop on Libraries, Component Modeling and Quality 
                 Assurance in Nantes (F), April 1995.
                 Format: PostScript (apparently some printers are not able to
                         print the figures, HP LaserJet 4 is an example).    "The VHDL Standard" (by E2S n.v., Belgium)
                 An overview of the May 1994 status of the VHDL standard
                 and associated activities within the IEEE, EIA, and ESPRIT 
                 projects. An extensive summary of VHDL repositories is 
                 included, together with a list of European VHDL tools.
                 Format: PostScript

VHDLReport.pdf   "The VHDL Standard"
                 Format: Adobe PDF   "VHDL Modelling Guidelines - Simulation and Documentation
                 CENELEC TC217 Working Group 2 draft report 2.14. This document 
                 was derived from the ESA Modelling Guidelines, updated to be 
                 more generic and less oriented towards the typical Agency-
                 subcontractor working relationship, and according to input from
                 the CENELEC Working Group 2.
                 Format: PostScript

cenelec2.14.pdf  "VHDL Modelling Guidelines - Simulation and Documentation
                 Format: Adobe PDF

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