Installed directories - ModelSim 5.8 |
Directory |
Description |
./bin |
soft links to all ModelSim commands, allowing platform-independent invocation (Unix계열의 경우) |
./docs |
ModelSim documentation, general ModelSim technotes, HTML versions of the Tcl/Tk man pages |
./drivers |
drivers for Windows hardware keys |
./examples |
example simulation models, testbenches, macros, and utilities |
./ieee |
library for accelerated IEEE and Synopsys arithmetic packages |
./ieeepure |
standard VHDL IEEE library |
./include |
include files for use with the WLF API, Verilog PLI/VPI, SystemVerilog API, VHDL foreign interface, and TCL |
./modelsim_lib |
library that contains special utilities for VHDL |
./std |
VHDL STD library and package TEXTIO |
./std_developerskit |
libraries for MGC standard developer's kit |
./synopsys |
accelerated arithmetic packages (also in ieee) |
./tcl |
libraries for Tcl, Tix, Tk, and vsim |
./verilog |
VHDL package for mapping to Verilog states |
./vhdl_src/ieee |
sources for rebuilding basic IEEE std_logic_1164 library and accelerated IEEE arithmetic packages |
./vhdl_src/modelsim_lib |
./vhdl_src/std |
sources for VHDL STD library and package TEXTIO |
./vhdl_src/std_developerskit |
sources and examples for MGC standard developer's kit |
./vhdl_src/synopsys |
sources for rebuilding accelerated arithmetic packages |
./vhdl_src/verilog |
source for rebuilding Verilog library |
./vhdl_src/vital2.2b |
sources for rebuilding VITAL version 2.2b library |
./vhdl_src/vital95 |
sources for rebuilding VITAL version 95 library |
./vhdl_src/vital2000 |
sources for rebuilding VITAL 2000 library |