library widget_cells, wasp_lib;

architecture cell_based of filter is

  -- declaration of signals, etc
  -- . . .

  -- not in book

  signal clk, filter_clk, accum_en, carry : bit;
  signal sum, alu_op1, alu_op2, result : bit_vector(31 downto 0);

  -- end not in book


  clk_pad : entity wasp_lib.in_pad
    port map ( i => clk, z => filter_clk );

  accum : entity widget_cells.reg32
    port map ( en => accum_en, clk => filter_clk, d => sum,
               q => result );

  alu : entity work.adder
    port map ( a => alu_op1, b => alu_op2, y => sum, c => carry );

  -- other component instantiations
  -- . . .

end architecture cell_based;

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